Our Services
Building a Bridge to the Future
We provide Consulting, Facilitation and Training services for leadership teams, religious communities and other value-based organizations. We are committed to helping communities build a bridge to the future and work extensively with those seeking “transformational” change. Communities responding to God’s call to “choose life” have many roads to discern along the way of their Journey of Transformation. Many are engaging in Refounding, Reconfiguring and Restructuring while many are thinking outside the box (e.g., creating “New Models of Governance” or forging “Covenants“). We understand and know well the power of systemic (deep) change as well as the struggle of resistance that is encountered along the way. To address these dynamics and contemporary needs we offer the following services.
Beyond strategic planning
So many communities are facing a crossroads and are searching for ways to transform and bring forth new life. They want to proactively shape their future, not simply react to the future happening to them with quick fixes and surface solutions. For those communities facing a crossroads, a bend in the road does not have to be the end in the road, unless you fail to make the turn. We have been guiding communities through a Journey of Transformation, and systemic change, for decades and know both its promise and perils....
Strategic Visioning and Strategic Intent vs. Strategic Planning and Systemic Change
Visioning and Strategic Planning are familiar means for forging a future. Unfortunately, when communities and organizations are on the other side of the lifecycle, and reaching a crossroads, these all too familiar approaches fail to "transform" them and bring about new life. The differences between systemic change, strategic planning and processes that transform are critical. Read on...
Creating teams with synergy and energy
A group does not become a “team” just by virtue of an election. Communities don’t create teams. They elect people who they think can become a team and it is up to those elected to create a “team”. We help teams build a strong sense of partnership and cohesion enabling each person to bring their best self to the tasks at hand. We provide assistance in leadership development, consultation, planning coaching and more...
Facitating, empowering, and giving everyone a voice
We plan and facilitate Chapters and Assemblies. We are especially known for creating and facilitating processes that invite in-depth dialogue and guiding groups through their conflicts and differences. We help groups appreciate their diversity and resistance as a source of creativity and a doorway for reconciliation...
Skills promoting systemic change
CARE stands for Conversational Approach to Relational Effectiveness. It is a gospel-based, non-violent approach to communication that brings about systemic change. We also train community members to become facilitators and their own best resources for community...
Links of Interest
Choices at the Crossroads