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Facilitator Training

CARE, Facilitation Training and Other Training Services

CARE is an acronym that stands for Conversational Approach to Relational Effectiveness. It is a communication, relational, and life skills training program designed for teams and congregations. This is not a “communication workshop.” Rather, it is a comprehensive training program intended to bring about systemic change. When entire communities go through this training together, it not only puts everyone on the same page regarding how to have meaningful conversations, how to dialogue in assemblies and work through conflicts and tensions, it results in profound healing. It is itself a means from bringing about Communal Transformation. Read more regarding CARE: Conversational Approach to Relational Effectiveness…


Conversational Approach to Relational Effectiveness

CARE is short for Conversation Approach to Relational Effectiveness. CARE is a training program that uses conversational and relational skills to make real, and bring to life, the value-base of “mutuality.” It is intended to enhance relational effectiveness by fostering congruence, authenticity and interdependence. It promotes a culture of “nonviolence” and provides the concomitant skills to behave the gospel call to “love one another.”

We provide training for religious congregations, leadership teams, and novitiate programs as well as other value based organizations . When applied to organizations, systemic change is made possible by redefining the cultural norms of relating. While the basic skills of CARE are about communications, the heart of it is about life skills for relating well in community. Communities, teams and groups that go through CARE together form a learning community. It is not just another "Communication Workshop." It is a one-of-a-kind experience that transforms communities with long-lasting effects. The best way to learn about it is by talking with us and the people that have gone through it.

Facilitation Training

Becoming your own best resources

We are committed to strengthening the resources available in communities and that includes helping them become better facilitators for their own gatherings. We believe in and wish to foster the strengthening of such resources, rather than perpetuating dependency by doing for others what they can do for themselves. That’s why we offer facilitator training, to help communities strengthen their capacity to facilitate their own business.

Workshops available to help communities grapple with an aging population, appreciating the limitations, gifts and implications./.

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